JIN Zhen-guo.Preliminary Study on Application of Remote MonitorSystem of Wheat in Heilongjiang[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2011,(11):118-121.
- Title:
- Preliminary Study on Application of Remote MonitorSystem of Wheat in Heilongjiang
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767201111-0118-04
- Keywords:
- wheat; remote monitor; disaster
- 分类号:
- S512.1
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 我国小麦苗情监测自动化水平低、技术单一、获取信息离散滞后、数据信息缺乏综合性,导致决策管理时效性不强,准确性和代表性差。另一方面,由于近年来气候异常,导致农业灾害频繁发生,如何快速有效进行信息监测,是确保粮食安全的重要问题。以龙麦26和龙麦33为材料,针对小麦生长发育过程,在黑龙江省建立具有一定覆盖面和代表性的小麦苗情综合监测网络,运用远程监控技术,获得了较人工测量更加快捷、精准的数据,及时获取田间现场各种环境与生物数据信息,能够准确预测环境胁迫和气象灾害、病虫害、作物长势等重大农情,该研究为精准数字农业和防灾减灾生产提供理论依据和技术支持,因此实现远程异地诊断管理进行探索研究是有必要的,将来发展精准数字农业也是可行的。
- Abstract:
- The character of monitoring conditions of wheat field in our nation,is low automation level,lack of technology diversity,information discrete and delay,lack of comprehensiveness,all of which lead to decision-making management with poor timeliness,accuracy and representativeness.On the other hand,climatic abnormally results agricultural disasters taking place frequently.How to monitoring quickly and effectively is an important guarantee of food security.Aiming at monitoring environmental and biological information of wheat field during the life of wheat,the cultivar Longmai 26 and 33 were taken as experimental materials to construct composite monitoring network of wheat seedling situation in Heilongjiang.With remote monitor technology data were acquired more quickly and more accurately than hand gagging,so we can predict forecast environmental stress,meteorological disasters,diseases and pests,crop growth status and so on.This study would be theoretical and technique foundation for precision agriculture and preventing and reducing disaster product,so studies on remote diagnosis and control system are necessary and developing precision agriculture in the future is possible.
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