SHEN Xiao-hui,JIANG Cheng,LIU Jing-qi,et al.Study on the Effect of Sowing Date and Fertilizer on Growth and Yield Components of New Soybean Variety Henong 63[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2012,(09):27-29.
- Title:
- Study on the Effect of Sowing Date and Fertilizer on Growth and Yield Components of New Soybean Variety Henong 63
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2012)09-0027-03
- Keywords:
- soybean; sowing date; fertilizer; yield component
- 分类号:
- S565.1
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以大豆新品种合农63为试材,研究了不同播期和不同施肥量处理对叶面积、干物质积累及产量构成因素的影响。结果表明:相同施肥量处理下,早播和晚播对大豆的生长都不及正常播期,早播由于地温低,前期营养生长受抑制,晚播生育日数比正常播期缩短,二者均影响干物质的积累;在不同施肥量处理下,早播和晚播与正常播期的株高差距不大,平均来看,早播略高于晚播和正常播期,但单株荚数、粒数、百粒重和产量均低于正常播期;在佳木斯地区5月8日前后播种最为适宜,平均产量比早播高14.3%,比晚播高16.7%。
- Abstract:
- Taking new soybean variety Henong 63 as test material,the effect of different sowing date and fertilizer on leaf area dynamics,dry matter accumulation and yield components were studied.The results showed that the effect of early sowing and late sowing on soybean growth were inferior to normal sowing,the vegetative growth would be inhibited in early sowing,the growth period of late sowing date was shorter than normal sowing date,the two both affected the accumulation of dry matter.There were no obvious difference on plant height between early and late sowing date and normal sowing date,on average,the early sowing was a little more than late and normal sowing.The plant pods,plant seeds,100-seed weight and yield would be lower than those of normal sowing.It could draw a conclusion that it should be planted around May 8th in Jiamusi region,which would lead to average yield 14.3% higher than those early sowing and 16.7% higher than those late sowing.
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