YANGGui-chun,LIU Hai-long,WANG Shi-fa,et al.Construction and Identification of cDNA Libraries of Soybean Treated byDrought and Low Temperature[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2009,(02):1-3.
大豆干旱和低温cDNA 文库的构建与检测
- Title:
- Construction and Identification of cDNA Libraries of Soybean Treated byDrought and Low Temperature
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2009)02-0001-03
- Keywords:
- soybean; droug ht ; low temperature ; cDNA library ; yeast one-hybrid
- 分类号:
- S565.1
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以栽培大豆(Glycine max)吉林35 为材料, 在幼苗期进行干旱、低温处理, 分离mRNA 经逆转录合成cDNA 后, 插入到融合表达载体中, 分别构建了干旱和低温两个融合表达文库。检测表明, 两个初始文库的滴度分别为2 .75×106pfu·mL-1和5.52×105 pfu·mL-1 ;插入的cDNA 片断长度在0.5~ 2.0 kb。此文库的构建为今后分离与干旱、低温相关基因奠定了基础。
- Abstract:
- Two kinds of mRNA were isolated from cultivated soybean variety Jilin 35 pre-treated with drought and low temperatureat seedling stage ,anti-transcripted into cDNA, to construct two relevant fusion expression libraries with insertion ofthese cDNA collection.The primary analy sis showed that the titer of two initial libraries were 2.75×106 pfu·mL-1(drought)and 5.52×105 pfu·mL-1(low temperature).The size of mostly insertion was between 0.5and 2.0 kb.The construction ofthese two libraries will be helpful for the related gene isolation in the future.
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收稿日期:2008-11-04基金项目:国家植物转基因专项资助项目(J99-B-01)第一作者简介:杨贵春(1967-), 男, 吉林省公主岭市人, 硕士, 副研究员, 主要从事植物分子生物学和遗传育种研究。Tel :13843454181 ;E-mail:yanggch @126 .com 。通讯作者:邢少辰, E-mail:xingsc64 @yahoo.com .cn。