HU Xiao-san,DONG Hong-xia.Research on Pollution-resistant Garden Trees and ItsApplication in Yongzhou[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2008,(06):113-115.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.06.0113]
- Title:
- Research on Pollution-resistant Garden Trees and ItsApplication in Yongzhou
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2008)06-0113-03
- Keywords:
- po llution-resistant ; g arden trees ; Yongzhou
- 分类号:
- S731 .2
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 抗污染性园林树木能够吸收有害物质、净化大气, 有效改善城市环境。通过对永州受污染较严重的工业区及其他污染较集中地区的绿化树木的应用及生长状况进行调查和资料整理, 归纳总结出永州地区防治环境污染的主要树木种类及其在城市绿化中的应用。以期为城区、厂矿区及其他环境条件相似的工业城市的园林绿化树木选择提供参考。
- Abstract:
- Pollutio n-re sista nt g arden trees can absorb ha rmful substances, purify the atmosphe re and impr ove theurban environment effectively .Based on the investig atio n and do cumentatio n of applicatio n and g row th state of theg reening trees in serio us contaminated industria l districts and o ther pollutio n a reas in Yong zhou , the main g ardentree species to preve nt and co ntro l e nviro nmental pollutio n in Yo ng zhou and its applica tion in urban g reening weresummarized .With a view to pro vide reference to cho osing ga rden greening tr ee s in urban area s, facto ries , minesand o ther industrial city .
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第一作者简介:胡小三(1970-), 男, 永州市人, 学士, 副教授, 主要从事园林教学和研究工作。Tel:13243676118 ;E-mai l:hxs3328 @163 .com 。