QIN Yang.Effect of ShiMa Leaf Fertilizer on Grape[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2008,(05):68-70.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.05.0068]
- Title:
- Effect of ShiMa Leaf Fertilizer on Grape
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2008)05-0068-02
- 关键词:
- 狮马牌高效多营养系列叶面肥; 葡萄; 试验
- Keywords:
- ShiMa leaf fer tilize r ; g rape ; ex pe riment
- 分类号:
- S663 .106+ .2
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 在葡萄四个不同生育期进行叶面喷施狮马牌高效多营养系列叶面肥的试验, 结果表明:该营养叶面肥, 可明显促进葡萄穗果发育, 促使果实膨大, 提高粒重、穗重, 并提高葡萄第二年萌芽率及果枝率, 从而增加葡萄产量, 同时还改善果实营养品质和外观品质, 提高了商品价值, 可提高葡萄生产的经济效益。
- Abstract:
- To elucidate the effect of “ ShiMa”leaf fertilizer o n g rape in fo ur different g row th period , the ex perimentwa s conducted .The re sult show ed that in diffe rent pe rio ds the fe rtilizer pr omo ted the development of be rry andcluster , the ber ry ex pa nsio n and the w eig ht o f be rry and cluster .It could also increase the la te r’fruit yie ld due tohigher germina tion ra tio and f ruit branch rate , and thus impro ve commodity value .
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