ZHAO Yuan-ling,SUN Lian-fa,et al.Study on Relationship between Glume Hardness and SproutingResistance in Synthetic Hexaploidy Wheat[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2008,(04):22-25.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.04.0022]
- Title:
- Study on Relationship between Glume Hardness and SproutingResistance in Synthetic Hexaploidy Wheat
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2008)04-0022-04
- 分类号:
- S512
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 人工合成小麦具有较强的抗病、抗逆等特点, 抗穗发芽是其中的重要性状。然而, 人工合成小麦的穗发芽抗性与其颖壳硬度的关系尚不清楚。本研究利用抗穗发芽、硬颖壳的人工合成小麦与正常颖壳硬度、穗发芽的普通小麦杂交构建的杂种F3 代群体, 研究穗发芽与颖壳硬度之间的关系。研究结果表明:在群体水平上人工合成小麦的穗发芽抗性与其硬颖壳没有明显的相关关系。进一步分析发现, 尽管群体中穗发芽抗性较强的株系中, 其抗性与硬颖壳有显著的相关关系, 但是, 仍有40 %左右的株系表现为正常颖壳硬度却抗穗发芽。这一研究结论清楚地表明, 人工合成小麦穗发芽抗性是可以通过杂交转移到普通小麦中来的。这一结论对小麦抗穗发芽育种具有重要意义。
- Abstract:
- Sy nthetic hexaploidy w hea t has many g ood characters such as resistance to bio-abiostress .Resista nce topreharvest spro ut is one o f these advantag e character s.While the rela tionship between the resistance to preharv estsprout and its g lume hardness has no t been revealed in synthetic he xaploidy wheat .A sy nthetic hexaploidy w hea twith resistant to pr eha rvest spr out and har d glume w as emplo yed to c ross w ith a common w heat line with characterof susceptible to preharve st spro ut and no rmal glume hardness, and then built up the F3 po pula tion , aiming a tstudying the relationship betw een the re sistance to preha rvest spro ut and its glume ha rdness .The result show edthat the re w as no sig nificant co r relation betw ee n preharve st sprout resistance and g lume hardness o f sy nthe tiche xaploidy wheat in the whole population level.Fur the r analy sis revealed tha t ar ound 40 percent o f lines with no rmal g lume ha rdness were resistant to preharv est spro ut.Althoug h the top 50 lead lines w ith resistance to preha rvestspr out showed significant co r relation between glume hardness and prehar vest spro ut resistance .The re sultimplied that the resistance o f preharve st spro uting in synthetic he xaploidy w heat could be transferred to commo nwheat by cr ossing .This conclusion was very impor tant in w hea t breeding fo r resistance to preha rvest sprout withsy nthe tic hex aploidy wheat .
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第一作者简介:赵远玲(1977-),女, 哈尔滨市人, 硕士, 主要从事作物遗传育种研究。E-mai l:lizixin418 @sina .com 。