CHI Feng-qin,GAO Zhong-chao,ZHAO Qiu,et al.The Effect of Combining Application of Improved Soil Material and Fertilizer to the Biological Yield and Quality of Artificial Pasture[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2006,(05):59-62.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2006.05.0059]
- Title:
- The Effect of Combining Application of Improved Soil Material and Fertilizer to the Biological Yield and Quality of Artificial Pasture
- 文章编号:
- 1002 - 2767(2006)05 - 0059 - 04
- Keywords:
- amelio rative material ; ferti lization ; pasture ; biolog ical y ield ; quality
- 分类号:
- S54 ;S143. 58
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 本试验采用不同改土物料与化肥配合施用对人工建植草地苜蓿和羊草生物产量和品质影响进行了研究。结果表明, NPK +有机肥处理对苜蓿和羊草的增产效果好于其它处理, 比对照增产37. 9 %和49. 9 %;其次是NPK +石膏和NPK +沸石。混播牧草有机肥的增产效果达到81 %, 其次是N7. 5P7. 5K5 处理, 增产达53. 8 %。表明改土物料与化肥配合施用对提高人工建植草地牧草生物产量有明显的提高。N PK +有机肥处理对羊草全氮和全磷都有最好的促进作用, 比CK 分别高出47 %和33 %;NPK +沸石处理对苜蓿全氮的积累最有利, 比CK 高51. 2 %, NPK 处理对全磷积累最有利。另外施肥和施用改土物质都促进牧草中钙和锌的吸收与积累。
- Abstract:
- This ex periment inve stig ated the ef fect o f combining applicat ion of different ameliorativematerial and fertilize r to the biological yield and quality o f alfalfa and Leymus chinensis. Theresult show ed that :the ef fect of increasing y ield o f NPK + manure w as bet te r than the o thert reatments , i t increased 37. 9 % and 49. 9 % than CK ;the nex t w as NPK + gy psum and N PK +zeolite. The increasing y ield effect of org anic ferti lize r to mixed sow ing pasture reached 81 %, theseco nd w as N7. 5 P7. 5K5 , and the increasing yield ef fect reached 53. 8 %. It indicated that the effectof combining application of amelio rative material and fer tilizer to the bio logical yield and quality ofartificial alfalfa and Leymus chinensis w as obviously. NPK + manure had the most advancedef fect to total nit rogen and to tal pho spho rus of pasture , i t increased 47 % and 33 % than CK ;NPK + zeolite had the most adv antageous effect to to tal nit rogen of alfalfa , it increased 51. 2 %than CK ;NPK had the mo st adv antag eous effect to to tal pho spho rus. Otherw ise fertilization andusing ameliorative material can accele rate the absorptio n and accumulatio n of calcium and zinc inthe pastures.
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收稿日期:2006 - 06 - 22