CHENG Juan,SHAO Guangzhong,SUN Yinhui,et al.Comparison and Identification Experiment of New Maize Varieties in Mudanjiang Region[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2025,(02):15-21.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2025.02.0015]
- Title:
- Comparison and Identification Experiment of New Maize Varieties in Mudanjiang Region
- 文章编号:
- 3
- Keywords:
- new strain; agronomic characters; resistance; yield
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为筛选出适合牡丹江地区种植的优质、高产且多抗的玉米新品系,以东农264为对照,对黑龙江省农业科学院牡丹江分院玉米研究所自育的9份玉米新品系进行品比鉴定试验。通过对9份品系的农艺性状、物候期、抗性、产量相关性状和产量进行差异分析和相关性分析。结果表明,玉米新品系PJ2301产量最高(12 152.80 kg·hm-2),PJ2303第二(11 937.38 kg·hm-2),PJ2304第三(11 930.01 kg·hm-2),分别较对照增产9.29%、7.35%和7.29%。3份品系的抗病性好,病级均为1级,各阶段物候期、株高、穗位高均与对照接近,并且比对照提前成熟1~2 d,适合当地的熟期。这3个品系的穗长、百粒重、穗粗均大于其他品系,由相关性分析发现穗长、穗粗、百粒重和产量存在显著正相关性。综合分析PJ2301、PJ2303、PJ2304产量和农艺性状表现最好,适宜在黑龙江省牡丹江地区推广种植。
- Abstract:
- In oder to screen the new maize strains suitable for planting in Mudanjiang City with high-quality, high-yielding, and multi resistant, the Dongnong 264 was used as a control, conduct comparative identification experiments on 9 new maize strains bred by the Maize Research Institute, Mudanjiang Branch of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Through differential analysis and correlation analysis of agronomic traits, phenology, resistance, yield related traits, and yield of 9 strains. The results indicated that, the new maize variety PJ2301 had the highest yield (12 152.80 kg·ha-1), followed by PJ2303 (11 937.38 kg·ha-1) and PJ2304 (11 930.01 kg·ha-1), compared with the control, the yield increased by 9.29%, 7.35% and 7.29%, respectively. The disease resistance of the three strains was good, with a disease grade of 1, the phenological period, plant height, and spike height at each stage were similar to those of the control, and mature 1-2 days earlier than the control, suitable for the local ripening period. The spike length, hundred grain weight, and spike thickness of these three strains were all greater than those of other strains, correlation analysis revealed a highly significant positive correlation between ear length, ear diameter,100 grain weight and yield. Comprehensive analysis, PJ2301, PJ2303, and PJ2304 have good yield and agronomic traits, and are suitable for promotion and planting in this region.
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