ZHAO Er wei,ZHENG Deng feng,ZHANG Zi quan,et al.Research Progress of Nitrogen Metabolism During Fluecured Tobacco Maturity[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2015,(06):147-151.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2015.06.0147]
- Title:
- Research Progress of Nitrogen Metabolism During Fluecured Tobacco Maturity
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2015)06-0147-05
- Keywords:
- mature period; fluecured tobacco; nitrogen metabolism; ammonia emission; leaf quality; defense
- 分类号:
- S572
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 烤烟是收获叶片的作物,烟叶品质形成与叶片衰老关系密切。为进一步生产开发优质烟叶,介绍了烟叶成熟期的氮素代谢、不同烟草品种的氮素代谢特性及其与品质形成和耐肥性的关系,并简述了衰老基因与防御基因表达的关系,旨在为生产优质烟叶提供参考。
- Abstract:
- For fluecured tobacco species of which the leaves are objective products,leaf quality development is closely related with mature period.For further production and development of tobacco leaves,the nitrogen metabolism,relationships between its characteristics ,the leaves quality development and the tolerance to fertilizer in different tobacco cultivars were reviewed.The relationship between leaves senescence and defense against pathogens were also introduced,so as to provide basis for producing high quality tobacco leaves.
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赵二卫(1983),男,贵州省威宁县人,硕士,农艺师,从事烟叶生产技术推广及科技管理研究。Email:215650872@qq.com。杨双剑(1978),男,贵州省贵阳市人,博士,高级农艺师,从事烟叶生产管理及关键技术研发、推广管理工作。Email: 157459134@qq.com。