LINWei-gang,WU Jun-jiang,ZHONG Peng,et al.Effect of Different Distribution of the Population on Development ofPlant and Yield of Heinong51 Soybean Variety[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2008,(05):33-37.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.05.0033]
群体配置对大豆品种黑农51 产量和相关性状发育作用的初步分析
- Title:
- Effect of Different Distribution of the Population on Development ofPlant and Yield of Heinong51 Soybean Variety
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2008)05-0033-05
- Keywords:
- soy bean [ Gly cine max (L .)Mer r .] ; distribution o f the po pula tion ; square sy stem ; conventionalridg e sy stem
- 分类号:
- S565 .1
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 通过对正方形和传统垄作栽培模式下不同群体密度的产量表现及相关的产量性状进行研究, 结果初步表明, 正方形最佳田间密度为15 .32 株·m -2 , 最高理论产量为2 585 .70 kg ·hm -2 ;垄上双行栽培最佳密度为19.9株·m -2 , 最高理论产量为3 159 .35 kg ·hm-2 ;垄上双行最高产量高于正方形栽培;单株产量的有效株行距为62 .43 cm ×62 .43 cm , 与传统垄作垄距65~ 70 cm 是接近的, 说明对于繁茂型晚熟大豆品种而言, 传统的65 ~ 70cm 垄作模式仍然不失为一种实用有效的栽培技术模式。7 月中旬以后旱情导致LAI 在R4 期下降;在R4 和R6期, 25.0 ~ 44 .4 株·m -2 不同密度间的LAI , 传统垄作高于正方形模式;在分枝期(V6)干物质积累量最低, 同期根冠比相对最高, 表明前期是根系发育优先期;在R6期从5.9~ 36 .6 株·m -2 密度范围内, 传统垄作栽培模式单株干物质积累值显著高于正方形栽培模式;与平作为特点的正方形栽培相比, 传统垄作模式有利于根系发育。
- Abstract:
- The object of this w ork is to study o n the yield unde r different plant density a nd characteristics re lated toyie ld betw een squar e a nd conventio nal ridge sy stems as the base w o rk fo r improv ing yield of late maturity so ybeanvarieties .The results were a s fo llow s:The maximum seed yield w ere e stimated as 2 585 .70 kg pe r hectare withthe density o f 15 .32 plants per square meter for square sy stem , as 3 159.35 kg per hec ta re w ith the density of19.9 plants per square me te r fo r co nventional ridge sy stem , and the max imum yield of co nv entional ridge sy stemwa s hig he r than squa re sy stem .Effective pla nt/ row spacing of seed w eig ht pe r plant w as 62 .43 cm ×62.43 cm ,and this v alue w as similar to 65 ~ 70 cm ridge spacing o f conventio nal ridge sy stem .Conventio nal ridge sy stem stillplayed an impo r ta nt role for the thrifty late maturity variety .Leaf Area Inde x (LAI) fell at R4 stage due todrought af te r seco nd ten day s in July ;and between R2 and R4 stage LAI under conventio nal ridge sy stem w ashigher than that o f square system significantly , f rom 25 .0 to 44.4 plants pe r squar e meter .The mean v alues of dryweight per plant accumula ted w ere the lowest a t V6 stage meanw hile the ratio between roo t and shoo t w ere thehighest , a nd this indica ted that ro ots developed in prio rity a t early stage o f the g rowing period .At R6 stage , dryweight per plant accumulated w ere higher than conventional ridg e sy stem significantly , from 5 .9 to 36 .6 plantspe r square meter .Compared with square g rowing sy stem , the practices o f conventio nal ridge sy stem w ere pr opitiousto the dev elo pment of roo t sy stems.
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基金项目:国家“ 十一五” 科技攻关项目(2006BAD21B01);黑龙江省“ 十一五” 科技攻关项目GA06B101-1-2)