DONG Quang-zhong.Effect of Delayed Sowing on Different Growth Stage of Early-mature Soybean[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2007,(03):13-16.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2007.03.0013]
- Title:
- Effect of Delayed Sowing on Different Growth Stage of Early-mature Soybean
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2007)03-0013-04
- Keywords:
- soybean; delayed sowing; growth stage
- 分类号:
- S565.104.2
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 通过4个不同熟期早熟大豆品种8个播期试验,研究早熟大豆品种在迟播条件下各生育阶段的变化规律及其与日平均气温的关系。结果表明:在适宜的墒情下,播种~出苗的天数与其问的平均气温呈极密切的负指数关系,播种~出苗的日平均气温对出苗起决定性作用。不同熟期的早熟品种出苗~开花天数随播期的延后,都里下降的趋势;开花~成熟的天数先是降低然后略有升高l出苗~成熟天数随播期的延后,都呈下降的趋势。即晚播对整个生育阶段的影响主要是作用在营养生长阶段。早熟品种迟播时,日平均气温升高加快大豆出苗的速度,在24℃条件下出苗可缩短4d。早熟品种晚播后,出苗~开花阶段、出苗~成熟阶段日数与出苗~开花阶段日平均气温呈直线正相关,出苗~开花阶段日平均气温是影响营养生长阶段和整个生育期的主要因素
- Abstract:
- The experiment of eight sowing date with four early-mature varieties was carried out to re- search the law of growth stage and relationship between the law of growth stage and air temperature. The main results were as follows: Under the feasible humidity, negative exponent relationship existed between days from sowing to seedling and average temperature, average temperature influenced the days from sowing to seedling mainly. Days from seedling to flowering shortened significantly as so- wing delayed, and days from flowering to mature reduced primly and prolonged then. Days from seed- ling to maturing descended as sowing delayed. Delayed sowing influenced the whole growth, but effects on vegetable growth were lager than those of reproduction growth. Days from sowing to seed- ling were shorten as average temperature increased, for example, four days were shortened under the condition of 24’C ,different stages were shorrened, which extended the growth length of early-mature soybean varieties. Days from seedling to mature, flowering to mature and seedling to flowering were negative correlated with average temperature. Average temperature was the main factor which influ- enced development in vegetable growth and the whole growth.
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第一作者简介:董全中(19 72 -).男,黑龙江省海伦市人,硕士,助理研究员,主要从事大豆育种与栽培研究工作。Tell:0452 - 4551210*E -mail:ksdqzdqz@163. com.