TANG Yue-wen.Analysis of High-Starch Maize Germplasm from Inbred Lines on Main Character’ s Combining Ability[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2006,(05):20-22.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2006.05.0020]
- Title:
- Analysis of High-Starch Maize Germplasm from Inbred Lines on Main Character’ s Combining Ability
- 文章编号:
- 1002 -2767(2006)05 -0020 -03
- Keywords:
- high starch ; maize inbred lines ; characte r ; combining ability
- 分类号:
- S512
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 选用新育成的综合性状优良的A 群8 份高淀粉系为父本组;B 群、C 群、D 群高淀粉系共计9个系为母本组。在按不完全双列杂交设计, 组配出了72 个杂交组合。分析结果表明, 不同自交系同一性状的GCA 效应具有很大差异, 说明按优势类群组建高淀粉近缘群体选育早熟高淀粉种质自交系, 按杂优模式进行组配, 能够选育出高淀粉高产玉米杂交种。
- Abstract:
- 72 hy brid combinations w ere coo rdinated wi th incomplete dual cro ssing desig n .Maleparent gro up w as a new ly-bred popula tion A , w hich had f ine comprehensive cha racters and highstarch content .Female parent gro up w as made up o f B , C and D populat ion , including 9 hig hstarchent ries .The result s show ed that :as for GCA ef fect of the same character , there w eregreat dif ferences in the dif fe rent inbred lines , w hich indicated that , in the w ay o f selecting earlymature starch inbred lines based on clo se sib developed f rom dominant po pulatio n and ut ilizinghy brid-dominant model .We could breed and select maize species w ith high yield as w ell as highstarch content .
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收稿日期:2006 -04 -25