Wang Zhixin.Factors Inf luencing the Survival of Immature Pods of Soybean in Total DNA Introduction[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2000,(04):10-11.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2000.04.0010]
影响大豆DN A导入受体幼荚成活率因素的初探
- Title:
- Factors Inf luencing the Survival of Immature Pods of Soybean in Total DNA Introduction
- 文章编号:
- 1002- 2767( 2000) 04- 0010- 02
- Keywords:
- soy bean; int ro duction of to tal DN A; survival rate
- 分类号:
- S565. 103. 53
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 对影响大豆外源DN A导入成活率诸多因素进行了探讨,结果表明,适当的DN A导入时间、正确选择导入花部位、适量的柱头切取、适宜的土壤水分及疏花疏荚都可显著提高DN A导入成活率,成活率最高为49% ,平均为34. 3% 。
- Abstract:
- The paper researched the facto rs inf luencing the surviv al o f imma ture po ds o f soy bean in to tal DN A int roductio n th roug h the po llen tube. The result show ed that the time o f DN A int roductio n, the posi tio n o f f low ers, the depth o f stigma- cut , the content of soil wa ter and the densi ty of flow ers and pods on o ther nods all inf luenced the surviva l o f the immature po ds. The highest ra te o f surv ival was 49% in the ex periment , and 34. 3% in averag e.
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收稿日期: 1999- 12- 16
作者简介: 王志新( 1972- ) ,男,研实,从事大豆育种研究。