TAN He,ZENG Xian-nan,XIA Tian-shu,et al.Effects of High Temperature on Germination of Japonica Rice Seed in Cold Area[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2012,(04):32-34.
- Title:
- Effects of High Temperature on Germination of Japonica Rice Seed in Cold Area
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2012)04-0032-03
- Keywords:
- high temperature; japonica rice; germination
- 分类号:
- S511.04
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为了研究高温对黑龙江省粳稻品种萌发的影响,将22个寒地粳稻品种放置在25、28、30、32和34℃5个温度梯度中培养3 d,比较其发芽势、根长和芽长差异。结果表明:不同熟期品种对温度的适应性不同,供试的5个早熟品种对高温具有较好的适应性;30℃对大多数品种是比较适宜的发芽温度;适当的高温有利于水稻根和芽的生长,对寒地粳稻的萌发有促进作用。
- Abstract:
- In order to investigate the effects of high temperature on germination of japonica rice varieties planted in Heilongjiang province,22 varieties of japonica rice were treated under 25,28,30,32 and 34℃ for 3 days.The differences of germination potential,root length and bud length were compared.The results indicated that the effects of high temperature on germination of japonica rice seed were different among varieties of different mature period.5 early-maturing varieties were better adaptive to high temperature;It was suitable for almost varieties to germinate under 30℃;The appropriate high temperature was good for the growth of root and bud of japonica rice,it improve the germination of japonica rice in cold area.
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