WANG Rong-li,ZHU Bao-qi,LI Shao-long,et al.Study on Reclamation of the Deserted Quarries in Central Area of Zhejiang Province[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2011,(09):72-74.
- Title:
- Study on Reclamation of the Deserted Quarries in Central Area of Zhejiang Province
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2011)09-0072-03
- Keywords:
- deserted quarries; escarpment; reclamation; landscape construction
- 分类号:
- TD88
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 浙中城市——金华拥有丰富的矿产资源,其开发利用保障了社会发展和经济建设的需求。然而多年的开采,许多矿山存在严重的环境问题与隐患,废弃矿山生态治理与复绿工作迫在眉睫。选择具有代表性的岭下镇王溪采石场作为研究对象,通过矿山环境现状调查,确定了PMS技术、植生袋围堰造坑植树技术、基质型容器苗种植技术、石壁藤本垂直绿化技术、坡脚挡墙回填土绿化技术、客土复垦技术和艺术景观再造技术7项复绿技术,并进行陡峻边坡、缓陡边坡、缓边坡和坡脚迹地分类复绿设计,达到了复绿效果,改善了生态环境,为同类矿山复绿工作提供借鉴和指导。
- Abstract:
- The central city of Zhejiang province—Jinhua has rich mineral resources,the development and utilization satisfied the needs of economic construction and social development.But many quarries have serious environmental problems and hidden dangers because of many years mining.It is urgent in the work of ecological management and reclamation of the deserted quarries.A representative selection of Wangxi quarry at the town of lingxia as research object,we determined the reclamation by environment survey,including planting material spraying,revegetation bags,substrate container seedling,vertical greening,slope toe wall backfill greening,soil dressing reclamation and landscape re-building seven technologies.Also planning for the different types of reclamation on steep slope,even steep slope,gentle slope and slope toe land.The neclamation effect was reached,the ecological environment was improved,the reference and guidance were provided for reclamation of the similar quarries.
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