MA Ling,FANG Ying-zi.Exploration of Native Trees in Gardens of Jinhua City[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2010,(09):148-150.
- Title:
- Exploration of Native Trees in Gardens of Jinhua City
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2010)09-0148-03
- Keywords:
- Jinhua city; native trees; resources; importance; unique
- 分类号:
- S68
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 对金华市的双龙洞风景区、新(改、扩)建公园、新老居住区、浙江师范大学及金华职业技术学院校园等地的乡土树木资源及其应用情况进行为期3 a(2007年春季~2010年春季)的详细调查,对乡土树木进行了综合分析,发掘出8种性状优良的乡土树木并建议推广应用及加以保护,以促进金华市园林建设中乡土树木的应用,进一步认识及提高乡土树木的概念和重要性,发挥乡土树木的优势,营造独特的金华植物景观。
- Abstract:
- Detail research of the resources of the native trees which lived in Double-Dragon Scenic Area, the new (rebuilded, expanded) park, lasting for 3 years (from spring in 2007 to spring in 2010), and have made a comprehensive analysis on the native trees.It suggested that 8 trees should be made good use and popularized and protected,so we could advance the use of native trees in the park and garden construction in Jinhua city, know the conception and the importance of the native trees,make full use of the native trees to build an unique plants in Jinhua city.
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