TENG Xian-feng,WEI Zi-min.Fluorescence Spectral Characteristic of Dissolved Organic Matter duringMunicipal Solid Waste Composting[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2008,(06):48-51.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.06.0048]
- Title:
- Fluorescence Spectral Characteristic of Dissolved Organic Matter duringMunicipal Solid Waste Composting
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2008)06-0048-04
- Keywords:
- municipal so lid w aste ; composting ; disso lv ed o rg anic ma tte r ; fluore scence spec troscopy
- 分类号:
- X705
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 利用城市生活垃圾进行堆肥, 对堆肥前后水溶性有机物的荧光光谱进行分析。结果表明, 水溶性有机物发射光谱相对简单, 堆肥前在400 nm 附近分别形成一个较强的荧光强度峰, 而激发光谱与同步扫描光谱则由几个特征峰及肩峰组成。堆肥结束后, 水溶性有机物在440 nm 新形成一个较强的荧光强度峰;荧光激发与同步扫描光谱主峰的位置也发生明显的改变。对水溶性有机物发射、激发及同步扫描光谱的特征峰进行分析证实, 堆肥结束后, 水溶性有机物中含有较高的分子缩合度与芳构化程度, 并与富里酸类物质相似, 表明堆肥产品施入土壤后活性较高。
- Abstract:
- Municipal solid wa ste (MSW)compo sting w as co nducted , and the fluo rescence spectral char acte ristic ofdisso lved o rganic matter (DOM)during MSW composting was determined.At initial stage o f MSW compo sting ,emission spectr oscopy of DOM w as rela tive simple , and ex hibited a peak at 400 nm ;while e xhibited sev eral peaksand shoulder peaks .At fina l stage o f MSW composting , DOM emissio n spect roscopy ex hibited a new peak at 440nm , and the w aveleng th o f main peaks of e xcita tion and synchro nous spectro sco py w ere changed .Analy sis o f fluorescenceemissio n, e xcita tion , and sy nchro no us spectro sco py of DOM indicated, the re w ere a lo t of substances withstro ng deg ree of mo lecule condensatio n and a romatization , and simila r to fulv ic acid .
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第一作者简介:滕险峰(1971-),男, 哈尔滨市人, 副研究员, 主要从事科研管理及土壤肥料研究。Tel:13845073167 ;E-mai l:xft eng001 @163 .com 。