GUO-He,JIN Lan-shu,LIN Guo-l in.Rapid Determination of Nitrogen and Potassium Contents in TobaccoLeaves by Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2008,(04):103-105.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.04.0103]
- Title:
- Rapid Determination of Nitrogen and Potassium Contents in TobaccoLeaves by Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2008)04-0103-02
- Keywords:
- NIRS ; To bacco leaves ; Total Nitro gen ; To tal Po ta ssium
- 分类号:
- S572
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 探讨了近红外光谱法无损快速测定烟叶氮钾含量的可行性, 利用傅里叶变换近红外光谱仪测定建模集(104 个)和检验集(40 个)烟叶样品的近红外光谱, 采用偏最小二乘法(PLS)把测得的烟叶光谱值与常规化学分析法测得的全氮和全钾数值拟合建立定标模型, 经分析得出:预测模型分析氮的相关系数(R)为0 .951 , 预测标准差(RMS EP)0 .301;钾的相关系数(R)为0 .928 , 预测标准差(RMSEP)为0 .278 。近红外法测定结果与常规方法已有较好的相关性, 能为今后快速诊断烟叶的营养状况提供新技术。
- Abstract:
- NIRS technique was applied to measurement of to tal Nitr ogen(TN)and to tal Po tassium(TK)co ntents intobacco leav es.The TN and TK co ntents of 104 tobacco leaves calibratio n samples and 40 prediction samples weremeasured by conventio nal analy sis methods and NIRS method , which w ere combined to e stablish the calibratio nmodel by PLS R method .The calibr atio ns for TN and TK co ntents wer e hig hly accurate with coefficients of de te rmination of 0 .951 and 0.928 fo r prediction and ro ot mean standa rd er ro rs o f prediction(RM SEP)o f 0 .301 and 0 .278, respectively .The results show ed that technique could be applied fo r diag noses o f N and K nutrient in tobaccocultiv ation .
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第一作者简介:郭贺(1982- ) , 女, 辽宁省人, 硕士, 主要从事植物营养和农产品安全研究。Tel :13516030706 ;E-mail :gu ohe1202 @163 .com 。