MA Shu-mei.Intercropping of Resistant and Susceptible Soybean Varietiesto Improve Resistance to Cercospora Soj ina Hara ofSusceptible Soybean Varieties[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2008,(03):28-29.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.03.0028]
- Title:
- Intercropping of Resistant and Susceptible Soybean Varietiesto Improve Resistance to Cercospora Soj ina Hara ofSusceptible Soybean Varieties
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2008)03-0028-02
- Keywords:
- so ybean; intercr opping ; Cercospora Sojina Ha ra ; resistance
- 分类号:
- S565 .1
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为了研究和探讨用抗病品种和感病品种间作栽培方式来提高感病品种抗灰斑病的能力, 采用小区试验和多年对黑龙江省大豆品种(系)进入区试和生试进行灰斑病鉴定结果分析, 结果表明, 抗感品种间作可提高感病大豆品种抗灰斑病能力;抗性不同的品种间作使同一品种在区试、生试中表现出不同的抗性, 与对照相比表现出不同增产幅度。
- Abstract:
- In o rder to resea rch and discuss the culture method — intercr opping of resistant and susceptible variety toimpro ve resistance to Cercospora Sojina Hara o f susceptible soybean varieties , w e made use of e xperimental plo tand re sult a naly sis to test , w hich v arie ties from a rea and pro ductio n trial in Heilongjiang pro vince fo r many y ears .Results showed that the method o f inte rcro pping could improv e resistance to Cercospora S oj ina H ara of susceptiblesoybean v arie ties.Crop situation test showed that the output level go t evidence im pr oved af te r inte rcro pping ofresistant and susceptible v arie ties.
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基金项目:黑龙江省“ 十一五” 攻关资助项目(GB06B105-1)