ZHANG Yan.Evaluation Index of the Function of Agricultural Ecological System and the Computing Methods[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2007,(06):76-78.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2007.06.0076]
- Title:
- Evaluation Index of the Function of Agricultural Ecological System and the Computing Methods
- 文章编号:
- 1002 -2767(2007)06-0076 -03
- Keywords:
- agriculture ; eco log y sy stem ; evalua tion index.
- 分类号:
- S181
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 阐述了农业生态系统的概念、功能、评价标准。系统地介绍了农业生态系统主要评价指标及计算方法。为制定农业发展规划, 农业结构战略性调整以及项目申报、评价等提供科学手段。
- Abstract:
- The conce pt , structure , function and evaluatio n standar d of ag ricultural ecolo gical sy stem we re formulated, the main eva luatio n indexes and the computing methods we re also systematically introduced. The purpo se o f the study wa s to pr ovide scientific metho ds for ag riculture development plan , stra teg ic adjustme nt o f agricultural structure and project decla ratio n and so on.
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收稿日期:2007 -03 -30
作者简介:张研(1982 -), 女, 哈尔滨人, 在读硕士,从事农业工程咨询研究。E -mail:zy88806 @126 .com 。