CHEN Da-peng,MAWen-dong.Effect of Vaccination Extraneous Source Microorganism on Chicken Manure Compost[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2007,(06):64-66.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2007.06.0064]
- Title:
- Effect of Vaccination Extraneous Source Microorganism on Chicken Manure Compost
- 文章编号:
- 1002 -2767(2007)06-0064-03
- Keywords:
- ext raneo us source micr oo rga nism ; chicken manure ; compost ; C/ N
- 分类号:
- X172
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 利用从自然堆体中分离筛选出的高温降解菌, 单一或组合接种于鸡粪堆体中, 考察分析堆体表观状态、温度、有机碳、C/ N、T 值及堆肥质量的变化。结果表明:几种微生物的接种均对堆体颜色、气温、温度、有机碳、C/ N、T 值、腐殖质、全磷、全钾等有一定影响, 并改善表观状态、加快腐熟速度、改善堆肥质量。综合分析, 接种菌剂JZ2 、JH 1、JZ1 +JZ2、JH1 +JH2 效果最佳:腐熟快、效果好, C/ N 小于 16 , T 值小于0.6;氮、磷、钾等营养元素含量高于其它处理。
- Abstract:
- We vaccina ted the high tempe rature deg radable fungus which ex tracted from the nature compo st in the chicken manure compo st unitarily or combined. After the inspectio n and analy sis of the change s o f its surface co nditio n , the tempera ture , the o rg anic carbon , C/ N , the T-va lue and its quality we re inspected.We found that seve ral kinds of micro org anism’s vaccinatio ns were all ce rtain influenced on the pile’s co lo r , the temper ature , the or ganic car bo n, the humus , C/ N , T-va lue and the entire phospho rus, entire potassium.Mo reov er , they a lso co uld impro ve the per formance co nditio n, speed up decompo sitio n perfect the quality of the compost.Generally , the effect o f v accina ted fungus JZ2, JH1 , JZ1 + JZ2, JH1+JH 2 w ere the best :fastest decompo sitio n, its C/ N value wa s less than 16 , the T-va lue wa s less than 0.6 , and the co nte nt of nitr ogen , phospho rus and po tassium and other such elements w as higher than o ther processing s.
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收稿日期:2007 -04 -20
第一作者简介:陈大鹏(1979 -), 男, 山东省邺县人, 学士, 助理讲师, 从事生物有机肥研究。Tel:13846177317 ;E -m ail :ch endapeng2003 @soh 。