HU Rui-xuan.Condition , Existing Questions and Countermeasures of Fertilizer Utilization in Heilongjiang Province[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2007,(05):94-95.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2007.05.0094]
- Title:
- Condition , Existing Questions and Countermeasures of Fertilizer Utilization in Heilongjiang Province
- 文章编号:
- 1002 - 2767(2007)05 - 0094 - 03
- Keywords:
- fertilizatio n; chemical manur e; o rganic fer tilize r ; pollutio n; measuring soil fo r recipe
- 分类号:
- S14
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 概述了黑龙江省肥料使用的现状、问题和对策。肥料使用目前存在重化肥轻农肥的倾向;肥料使用效果下降;不合理和过量施肥导致环境污染;施肥技术试验研究、示范推广薄弱等。应坚持有机无机相结合的施肥方针, 增施有机肥料;提高肥料的利用率;加强测土施肥推广;尽量减少肥料的污染;增强科学施肥科研和推广;建立和完善农化服务推广体系;建立肥料法规等。
- Abstract:
- The ar ticle summarized co ndition , existing questio ns and countermeasures of fer tilizer utilization. Fertilizer has an impor tant role in agricultural pro duction and yield increasing . The re w ere many problem s in fer tilize r using process , such as fertilizer effect descending , env ir onment pollutio n caused by unreasonable and undue fer tilize r and scientific experiments, researches, demo nstr atio n lackness , and so on. The refore , it is impo r ta nt to insist o n combining o f o rga nic and chemical fertilizer , and increase apply ing o rg anic fertilizer ;Streng thening the re sear ch and ex pa nsio n o f the scientific fer tilize r application , and reducing fer tilizer pollutio n, establishing and per fecting agricultural serv ice e xpansio n system , building fer tilizer law and so o n.
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收稿日期:2006 - 09 - 30
作者简介:胡瑞轩(1956 -), 男, 黑龙江省方正县人, 硕士, 高级农艺师, 从事土壤肥料研究推广工作。Tel:13304511881 。