LIN Xiao-li,WANG Li,MAO Hong-yan.Evaluation on Uncertainty Measurement of Calcium Content in Foodstuff[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2007,(05):81-82.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2007.05.0081]
- Title:
- Evaluation on Uncertainty Measurement of Calcium Content in Foodstuff
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2007)05 -0081 -02
- Keywords:
- uncertainty measurement ; capacity analysis; calcium ; foo dstuff
- 分类号:
- S816 .2
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 建立分析容量法测定饲料中钙含量的测量不确定度的影响因素的数学模型, 对各不确定度分量进行计算, 通过合成和扩展得到钙测定结果的不确定度为0 .084%。
- Abstract:
- The mathematics model ba sed o n uncer tainty ev aluatio n influencing factor s by capacity analysis to measure the ca lcium co ntent in fo odstuff was co nstruc ted .After computed each unce rtainty evaluation compo nents , the re sult show ed tha t unce rtainty mea surement wa s 0 .084 %.
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收稿日期:2007 -07 -17
第一作者简介:林小莉(1966 -), 女, 河北省丰润县人, 学士, 高级工程师, 主要从事兽药饲料监督检测工作。