FU Lian-shuang,WANGYu-bo,WANGXiao-nan,et al.Comparison of Variations among Generations and Heterosis of Different Crosses in Wheat[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2007,(02):6-8.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2007.02.0006]
- Title:
- Comparison of Variations among Generations and Heterosis of Different Crosses in Wheat
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2007)02 -0006 -03
- Keywords:
- spring w hea t; hetero sis; genera tions; ag ronomic traits
- 分类号:
- S512 .103
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以3 个春小麦杂交组合的亲本及4 个世代(F1 、F2 、F3 、F4)为试验材料, 对亲本、F1 代及各分离世代个体的10 个农艺性状的表现进行了分析。结果表明, F1 在多数性状上其均值介于高亲值与低亲值之间。组合P1 ×P2 中表现为正向超亲优势的性状较多, 其超亲优势较大, 而株高又表现出负向的中亲优势;组合P3 ×P4 中表现为正向超亲优势的性状最多;组合P2 ×P5 的优势较弱。不同组合间后代性状改进幅度差异较大。总的趋势是各性状在后代的变异大小及改进幅度大小与亲本表现及双亲差异的大小关系更为密切。
- Abstract:
- 10 ag ro nomic traits of pa rents, F1 , F2 , F3 and F4 genera tions of 3 cro sses in spring wheat wer e analyzed.The results show ed that the mean values of F1 ranged between high value pa rent and low value parent in most traits .Mor e t raits o f F1 in the cro ss P1 × P2 pe rfo rmed po sitiv e hetero sis o ver high v alue parent and the he te rosis values were hig he r , and the plant height showed minus MP heter osis. The most t raits o f F1 in the cro ss P3 ×P4 had positiv e o ver high value pa rent hetero sis.The he te ro sis of (P2 ×P5)F1 w as low er .The la rge r difference of impro vement potencial of traits was fo und amo ng cro sses in genera tions .The ra ng e of va riatio n and impro vement po te ntial in all tr aits of g ene rations related clo sely to their par ents and the differences between the pa rents.
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收稿日期:2006 -12 -18
第一作者简介:付连双(1978 —), 男, 黑龙江省绥棱县人, 硕士, 助教, 从事小麦遗传育种研究。T el:0451 -55190274 , 13009851527 ;E - mail:fulianshu ag @163 .com 。