LI Hai-Hui,XU Feng-hua,XIA Qing-mei,et al.The Study of Antagonistic Mechanism on Antagonistic Microbes of Rice Seedling Blight[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2007,(01):38-40.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2007.01.0038]
- Title:
- The Study of Antagonistic Mechanism on Antagonistic Microbes of Rice Seedling Blight
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2007)01 -0038 -03
- Keywords:
- rice Seedling Blight ; antag onism ; a ntag onistic mecha nism
- 分类号:
- S435 .111.4
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 通过平板对峙培养, 钢圈法测定拮抗菌株发酵液、提取液及灭活提取液的抑菌活性, 发酵提取液酶活性测定, 对拮抗水稻立枯病的DZW-3 、DZW-21 、DZW-47 和ZLR-2、ZLR-11 菌株机理进行研究, 结果表明, DZW-3 和DZW-21 主要为重寄生作用;DZW-47 为提取液中几丁质酶和β-1.3 葡聚糖酶的协同作用;菌株ZLR-2 和ZLR-11 是抗生素类物质对病原菌的抗生作用。
- Abstract:
- According to slab’s cultiva tion and steel circle to set o ut the restrain activity tha t in a ntag onistic bacte rium’s ferment distillable fluid a nd ex tinguish distillable liquid, the activity of enzyme in fe rmentable distillable liquid w as set o ut and the resea rch o f the antag onistic rice Seedling Blig ht’s DZW- 3、DZW-21、DZW-4 and ZLR-2 、ZLR-11 bacteria l antag onistic mechanism w as conducted.The results showed that :DZW-3 and DZW-21 w ere double auto eciousness , DZW-47 wa s the chitinase and β-1, 3- glacanase’s co operatio n tha t w as in distillable liquid .Bacterium ZLR-2 and ZLR-11 w ere antibio sis of the antibo tics to pathogen .
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收稿日期:2006 -11 -27
第一作者简介:李海慧(1974 -), 女, 黑龙江省庆安县人, 在读硕士研究生, 从事植物抗病机理研究.E -mail :lh h740505 @126 .com 。
通讯作者:徐凤花(1954 -), 女, 教授, E -mai l:xfh 00001 @126 .com 。