REN Ai-hua,WANG Xiao-xiang,YIN Jin-feng.The Breeding of A Triploid Pear Variety Longyuanyanghong[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2006,(01):21-22.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2006.01.0021]
- Title:
- The Breeding of A Triploid Pear Variety Longyuanyanghong
- 文章编号:
- 1002 -2767(2006)01 -0021 -02
- Keywords:
- pear ; crossing ; triploid ; sho rt shoot type
- 分类号:
- S334
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 龙园洋红梨是梨三倍体新品种, 亲本为56 -520 ×乔玛, 抗寒性强, 短枝型。果实不规则长椭圆形, 果形指数1 .13 , 平均单果重185 .5 g , 每个果实平均2 .5 粒种子, 种子小、不饱满, 多畸形。果皮浅黄色, 阳面有红晕, 果肉乳白色, 肉质细软多汁, 风味甜, 有香气, 可溶性固形物16 .05 %。果实在哈尔滨地区9 月中旬成熟。
- Abstract:
- Longy uany ang ho ng , a new triploid pear variety , w as selected f rom a cro ss -combinationo f’56 -520 ×Qiaoma’, short shoot type , resi stance to cool .The f rui t , wi th 185g of the averagemass and 1 .13 of the shape -index is i rreg ular long -voal , has 2 .5 seeds averag e , the seed i ssmall , no t full , almost lopsided .the colo r o f the peel is lig ht yellow covered by red on the side facingthe sun .The f lesh tex ture is ivory , sof t , many juice , sw eet and has scent .The f rui t ripensat the middle of September .
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收稿日期:2005 -08 -12