LIU Shu-bin,LIU Yang,LU Zhong-jun,et al.The Study of Method on the Remote Sensing Monitor of Farmland Resources in Heilongjiang Province[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2005,(04):8-11.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2005.04.0008]
- Title:
- The Study of Method on the Remote Sensing Monitor of Farmland Resources in Heilongjiang Province
- 文章编号:
- 1002 - 2767(2005)04 - 0008 - 04
- Keywords:
- farmland ; resources ; remo te sensing moni to r
- 分类号:
- S127
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 介绍了应用遥感技术进行农用地资源监测的技术路线和监测方法, 农用地资源现状及十年的变化, 并对变化原因进行了分析。耕地面积增加原因:①土地开发;②农业结构调整, 毁林、毁草开荒;③土地改良和土地复垦。耕地面积减少原因:①退耕还林还牧;②建设占地;③撂荒、毁地。但总的来说10 年内耕地面积增加17. 6 %;林地面积减少4. 86 %;牧草地减少16. 22 %;建设和交通用地增加9. 8 %;未利用土地面积减少21. 3 %;水域面积10 年变化不大。
- Abstract:
- The article int roduced that the technique w ay and monitor me thod of farmland resources mo nitor wi th remote sensing technique , and intro duced the present situation o f farmland and it s ten years change , the change reasons also been analy sed. The increase reasons o f farmland were :①land development , ②the adjust of ag ricultural st ructure , ③land reclamatio n and refo rmation. The reduct ion reasons o f farmland w ere :①retuvning farmland to o f ret reat fo r fo rest and for pasture , ②the field used in co nst ructio n , ③the field leaves uncult ivated. In a general , the area o f farming field increased 17. 6 %in ten years , the fo rest ry resource s reduced 4. 86 %, the area of pasture reduced 16. 22 %, the land o f f raf fic and construction increased 9. 8 %, the unused land reduced 21. 3 % and the w ater area hadn’t g reat changes in the ten years.
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收稿日期:2005 - 04 - 03
作者简介:刘述彬(1963 - ), 男, 黑龙江省北安市人, 副研究员, 从事农业遥感技术应用研究。