HE Yan-cai.Role of Earthworms to the Soil Improvement and the Agroecosystems[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2004,(06):42-44.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2004.06.0042]
- Title:
- Role of Earthworms to the Soil Improvement and the Agroecosystems
- 文章编号:
- 1002 -2767(2004)06 -0042 -03
- Keywords:
- earthwo rm ; soil ; ag roecosystems
- 分类号:
- S156
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 蚯蚓对土壤的耕耘比犁耕更有效, 加强土壤通气;提供有益细菌, 将土壤中的氨转化成为便于农作物吸收利用的形态;有助于将土壤中各种复合分子分解成为植物根系能够利用的成分。蚯蚓及时将地面残留的落叶枯草裂解转化为对土壤和植物的营养物质, 可处理动物粪便以及城市垃圾, 对有机农业和生态农业都有重要意义。
- Abstract:
- Earthw orms till the soil more intimately than any plough .By burrow ing , they provide aeration .Earthw orm manure (called castings)is hig hly valued by gardeners , they promo te bacteria in thesoil , and most soil bacteria , rather than being bad germs , are useful in such things as converting ammoniumto a form of nit rogen that plants can abso r , and breaking dow n other complex molecules soroot s can abso rb them .They help w ith the treatment of animal manure o r ci ty sew age .In furtheranceof agriculture , earthw orms are respo nsible fo r the development of organic agricmlfure and agroevosy stem.
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收稿日期:2004 -04 -03