LI Yu-peng.The Study of the Sulphur Content of the Main Soils in Songnen River Plain and Sensitive of Sulphur to ’Crucifer[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2003,(04):26-27.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2003.04.0026]
- Title:
- The Study of the Sulphur Content of the Main Soils in Songnen River Plain and Sensitive of Sulphur to ’Crucifer
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2003)04-0026-02
- Keywords:
- sulphur; crucifer; sensitivity
- 分类号:
- S158.3
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 松嫩平原土壤供硫水平多属于中等和低等水平,在供试的土壤中全硫含量最高为492.2mg/kg,最少为350.8 mg/kg;有效硫最高为12.8 mg/kg,最少为10.6 mg/kg。SAI值多小于14,大多数土壤需要施硫。十字花科作物是硫的敏感作物,施用硫肥可以提高十字花科作物的产量。
- Abstract:
- Sulphur content in Song-Nen river plain is middle and low. In the soil tested, thehighest total sulphur content is 492. 2 mg/kg, and the lowest one is 350. 8 mg/kg; The highestcontent of effective sulphur is 12. 8 mg/kg, the lowest one is 10. 6 mg/kg. Most of the SAl valueis less than 14, and most of the soil needs to add sulphur fertilizer . Crucifer crops are sensitive tosulphur. the output of crucifer crops can be enhanced by applying sulphur fertilizer.
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