MENG Ying,LIU Li-jun,ZU Wei,et al.The Dynamic of Soil Temperature in Soybean Field Cultivated with High -ridge and Platform on Low-wet Land of Sanjiang Plain[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2002,(03):11-13.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2002.03.0011]
- Title:
- The Dynamic of Soil Temperature in Soybean Field Cultivated with High -ridge and Platform on Low-wet Land of Sanjiang Plain
- 文章编号:
- 1002 -2767(2002)03 -0011 -03
- Keywords:
- sanjiang ; soy bean ; high -ridge and platform ; soil temperature
- 分类号:
- S565 .101
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 通过高垄平台耕作法与垄作对照土壤温度的对比调查, 结果表明, 高垄平台可明显提高白天温度, 14 :00 高台提高5 %, 常规台提高2 .8 %;7 :30 高台提高4 .96 %, 常规台提高3 %;降低夜间温度, 高台为垄作的98 %, 常规台为垄作99 %.这样可以加大昼夜温差, 有利于大豆产量的提高。
- Abstract:
- The temperature of high -ridge and platfo rm compared w ith ridge farming is investgated .The result show s hig h -ridge and platform can clearly increase the temperature in days and drop thetemperature at nig ht .High ridge and platform increases 5 % and no rmal plat form increases 2 .8 % at14 :00 ;and at 7∶30 , 4 .96 % and 2 .8 % respectively.At night , the soil temperature of high ridge andplat form is 98 %and normal plat form is 99 %of the ridge farming.This is advantage to increase of soybeanyield
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收稿日期:2001 -12 -18