Li Dalin,Zhang Yunjiang.Discussion on Improvement of Method of Rice Anther Culture[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2000,(02):19-22.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2000.02.0019]
- Title:
- Discussion on Improvement of Method of Rice Anther Culture
- 文章编号:
- 1002 -2767(2000)02 -0019 -04
- Keywords:
- Anther culture ; Culture medium ; Induction rate ; Callus ; Embryoid
- 分类号:
- S511 .035 .3
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 从花药培养存在的问题出发, 着重论述花药培养程序、提高花药培养力的途径等, 对花培各阶段不同培养方法提出最优结合, 认为提高花药培养工作效率的方法是提高接种效率和提高成苗率, 具体措施是花粉粒(花药)培养、一步成苗、人工加倍、培育壮苗并对该方法的可行性进行了简要分析。
- Abstract:
- Based on the problem of anther culture , w e discuss the anther culture prog ram , the w ay of raising anther culture ability etc ., also put fo rw ard an opt imization technique about different anther culture times and method .The w ay of raising anther culture ef ficiency is raising the inoculation eff iciency and the survival percent of g reen -plantlet .The important w ay s are pollen g rain culture , one -step method of anther culture , artificial doubling and breeding sound seedlings .The possibility of the w ay s is preliminary analy sed .
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收稿日期:1999 -12 -21
作者简介:李大林(1971 -), 男, 学士学位, 从事生物技术育种研究。