DU Hongrui,YANG Fan,WANG Shuang,et al.Structural Characteristics of Rhizosphere Soil Microbial Communities in Soybean at Different Growth Stages[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2025,(01):56-62.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2025.01.0056]
- Title:
- Structural Characteristics of Rhizosphere Soil Microbial Communities in Soybean at Different Growth Stages
- 文章编号:
- 9
- Keywords:
- soybean; growing period; rhizosphere soil microorganisms; fungus; bacteria; richness index; cliversity index
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为了探究大豆的不同生育时期根际土壤微生物种群结构的变化规律,在大豆出苗期(VE)、始花期(R1)、盛荚期(R4)、鼓粒期(R6)和完熟期(R8)采集根际土壤样品,并使用Illumina高通量测序技术进行分析,研究大豆根际真菌和细菌群落的组成及其多样性特征。结果表明,大豆根际土壤中真菌和细菌群落多样性和丰富度的变化趋势相同,在出苗期时多样性指数和丰富度指数较高,随后在始花期下降,在盛荚期上升,在鼓粒期再次下降,完熟期又上升。不同生长时期真菌优势菌门均为子囊菌门和鞭毛菌门,而真菌优势菌属不同,出苗期和始花期的优势菌属为穗霉属,盛荚期、鼓粒期和完熟期的优势菌属为篮状菌属;各生长时期的优势细菌门均为放线菌门、变形菌门和酸杆菌门,出苗期、始花期、盛荚期和鼓粒期的优势菌属为节杆菌属,完熟期的优势菌属为链霉菌属。大豆根际微生物种群随着生育期发生变化,出苗期时根际真菌和细菌的多样性和丰富度最高,根际土壤中细菌种群丰富度比真菌更高。
- Abstract:
- In order to explore the changes of rhizosphere soil microbial population structure in different growth stages of soybean. Rhizosphere soil samples were collected from soybean at period of emergence (VE), early blooming (R1), pod period (R4), pod filling period (R6) and full-ripe period (R8). Illumina high-throughput sequencing was used to study the diversity characteristics and composition of rhizosphere fungal and bacterial communities. The results indicated that the trends in diversity and richness of fungal and bacterial communities were similar. The diversity index and richness index were higher during the VE, then decreased during the R1, increased during the R4, decreased again during the R6, and increased during the R8. The dominant fungal phyla in each sample were Ascomycota and Mortierellomycota. The dominant fungal genera were different at different growth stages. The dominant fungal genera during the VE and R1 were Stachybotrys, while the dominant fungal genera during the R4, R6, and R8 were Talaromyces. The dominant bacterial phyla in each sample were Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, and Acidobacteriota. The dominant bacterial genera during the VE, R1, R4 and R6 are Arthrobacter, while the dominant bacterial genera during the R8 was Streptomyces. The changes in soybean rhizosphere microbial population varied with the growth period. The diversity and richness of rhizosphere fungi and bacteria were highest at the emergence period, and the richness of bacterial population in rhizosphere soil was higher than that of fungi.
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