ZHANG Qing-shan,HE Yan-mei.Influences of Global Climate Change on Forest Ecosystems and Countermeasures[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2016,(02):103-107.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2016.02.0103]
- Title:
- Influences of Global Climate Change on Forest Ecosystems and Countermeasures
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2016)02-0103-05
- Keywords:
- climate change; forest ecosystems; influences; specific strategies
- 分类号:
- S718.51+2
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 气候变化对全球社会、经济及生态环境造成了多方面越来越显著的影响,而森林生态系统也不例外。该文系统梳理了由全球气候变化带来的各种非生物变化对森林生态系统的影响,一方面温室气体浓度的升高会刺激森林生产力增加,另一方面温度升高和降水减少且分布不均加剧,及由此引起的海平面上升和森林火灾、病虫害、极端天气事件的愈发频繁和严重,导致森林生态系统面临的风险增大。因此,为了有效降低威胁、规避风险,特提出了使森林缓解和适应气候变化的若干针对性措施,以维持森林的健康成长。
- Abstract:
- Global climate change has not only a increasing significant impact on society,economy and ecological environment,but also on forestry ecosystems.The various nonbiological changes caused by global climate change,and systematically elaborated the impacts of global climate change and all sorts of domino effects generated from it on forest ecosystems were briefly analyzed.On the one hand,the increased concentrations of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide would stimulate botanic photosynthesis and carbon sequestration,which was useful for increasing forest productivities.On the other hand,with the increasing of global temperature,the distribution laws of forestry plants were affected and biodiversity decreases obviously; next,the evapotranspiration of soil and the transpiration of plants increased,which might bring about the aggravating shortage of water in waterdeficient areas and forestry plants were even harder to survive there;Because of the further melting of the ice sheet and the snow cover,sea level rise emerges which must threaten the coastal forests; meanwhile,due to the uneven distribution of space and time of precipitation intensifying drastically,the extreme weather events like droughts and floods increase in frequency and intensity which might menace the regular growth of forestry plants; As a result of synergistic effects from a variety of factors,the occurrences of forest pests and diseases,forest fires and extreme weather events were more frequent and severe which lead to a sharp decline in the productivity of the forest ecosystems and an increased risk.Therefore,for the sake of reducing the threat and avoiding the risks from global climate change effectively,several specific implement strategies to mitigate and adapt to the climate change were raised and developed finally in order to maintain the sustainable and healthy development of forests.
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