DUAN Wei,LIU Sheng-li,CHEN Yin-chu,et al.Research on the Breeding Technology of Three Generations for One Year in Sunflower Inbred Line[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2015,(10):189-191.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2015.10.0189]
- Title:
- Research on the Breeding Technology of Three Generations for One Year in Sunflower Inbred Line
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2015)10-0189-03
- Keywords:
- sunflower; inbred line; three generations in one year; breeding technology of the generation
- 分类号:
- S565.5
- 文献标志码:
- B
- 摘要:
- 为了获得向日葵自交系一年三代的繁育技术,缩短向日葵自交系的选育进程,利用向日葵本身作物特性及向日葵自交系目前研究现状,以向日葵大田繁育种植为基准,进行了海南加代繁育研究。结果表明:向日葵自交系每年可繁育三代,每一代能够完全成熟所需的≥5℃的有效积温为1 900℃以上、,加代繁殖地点为海南省三亚市。以此作为繁育三代的技术核心保证,建立起向日葵自交系一年三代的繁育方法,加速了选育进程,降低了选育成本。
- Abstract:
- In order to obtain the breeding technology of the sunflower inbred lines with three generations in one year for shorten time of the breeding process of sunflower inbred lines,combined with the scientific experiment and field experiment,the utilization of sunflower crop characteristics and present research situation of sunflower inbred lines annual breedingthree were studied. Basing on planting the sunflower in field ,generation breeding research was studied.The results showed that three generations could be breed in the effective accumulated temperature(≥5℃)which sunflower inbred lines each generation to fully mature,and the core technology of reasonable selection of planting sites was in Sanya of Hainan province.And the breeding method of sunflower inbred lines which reduces the cost of breeding with important significance accelerated the breeding process .
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