MA Ke,ZHENG Zhi-bo,YE Zhi-dong,et al.Effect of Yunda-120 and 6-BA on the Growth of Potted Maranta [J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2015,(10):99-101.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2015.10.0099]
- Title:
- Effect of Yunda-120 and 6-BA on the Growth of Potted Maranta
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2015)10-0099-03
- Keywords:
- Maranta; Yunda-120; 6-BA; plant growth regulator
- 分类号:
- S682.36
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为了促进植物生长调节剂在花卉生产上的应用,研究了不同浓度的云大-120和6-BA对盆栽竹芋生长影响的效果。结果表明:经过云大-120和6-BA处理的植株,侧芽萌生与新叶生长数明显增加,但新生单片叶的叶面积与植株高度却相对变小,建议在进行生长调节剂处理时,要适当增加磷、钾肥的施用比例,增强美观度与商品性。在实际生产中,应用6-BA能促进植株的生长,但是对喷施的浓度、用量要求严格,操作不当很容易造成药害。应用云大-120处理的效果稍次于6-BA处理,但是容易操作,不易出现药害。因此,在生产中推荐使用2 000倍液云大-120处理,以缩短盆栽竹芋的生长周期,提高经营效益。
- Abstract:
- In order to promote the application of plant growth regulator in flower production,the effect of different concentration of Yunda-120 and 6-BA on the growth of potted Maranta were studied.The results indicated that Yunda-120 and 6-BA could both increase the number of buds and leaf significantly,but reduce new leaves size.Therefore,in order to improve the appearance and degree of commodity,it was recommended to appropriately increase the proportion of P and K fertilizer during growth regulator treatment.In actual production,the application of 6-BA could promote the growth of plants,but the concentration and dosage was very strict.Improper operation might lead to phytotoxicity.The effect of Yunda-120 was no match to 6-BA,but it was easy to operate,and not prone to injury.In order to shorten the growth period of potted Maranta and improve operation efficiency,it was recommended to use 2 000 times dilution Yunda-120 in production.
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