LIU Chang-bin,NI Jian-hong,QU Ming-yue,et al.Application Effect of Frozen Sexing Semen on MuttonSheep Embryos Transformation[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2012,(04):82-86.
- Title:
- Application Effect of Frozen Sexing Semen on MuttonSheep Embryos Transformation
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2012)04-0082-05
- Keywords:
- mutton sheep; frozen sexing semen; superovulation; laparoscope
- 分类号:
- S826.9+2
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为进一步研究肉羊性控精液在胚胎生产上的应用,以萨福克、无角陶赛特纯种肉用绵羊为供体,本地小尾寒羊杂交后代和湖羊为受体,利用子宫角深部输精及一般人工授精等辅助生殖技术使用性控冻精与普通鲜精对两品种肉羊进行人工授精,统计不同品种肉羊的受胎率和可用胚数,对获得的性控胚胎和普通胚胎进行移植,并对比其移植效果。结果表明:萨福克肉羊和无角陶赛特肉羊超排后黄体数差异不明显(P>0.05);普通精液输精所获得的胚胎数极显著高于性控冻精(P<0.01);在受胎率上也做了比较,但差异不显著,受胎率43.2%。由于精液在通过流式细胞仪时,对精子顶体造成一定损伤,因此,无论是子宫角输精或阴道子宫颈输精均影响受精率,但性控精液的推广应用确实可以加速家畜遗传育种速度,缩短育种周期。鉴于此,今后对性控精液的研究重点应该放在精液分离过程中对精子的保护,以减少对精子的损伤。
- Abstract:
- The donors were Suffolk and Poll Dorset,recipients were Small Tail Han Sheep and Hu Sheep.The frozen sexing semen and normal fresh semen were used in insemination of donors.The fertilization rate and available embryos number of these two kinds of semen were compared in order to provide reference for the further application of frozen sexing semen in embryo production.Endoscope insemination and normal artificial insemination of those two kinds of semen were applied in embryo production of two mutton sheep breeds;the fertilization rate and available embryos number of those two mutton sheep breeds were compared,and the transfer effect of sexing embryos and normal embryos were compared as well.The results showed that the number of corpus luteum of those two breeds after superovulation showed no difference (P>0.05).The available embryos number from normal fresh semen was several significant higher than that from frozen sexing semen (P<0.01).The pregnancy rate for the recipients was 43.2% and showed no difference.However,the frozen sexing semen negatively affected fertilization rate of donors because of the sperm acrosome damage after the sperm processing in flow cytometry,the application of sexing semen could improve breeding process.Therefore,in the future research,the hot topic would be how to protect sperm while applying the X/Y sperm selection.
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