YANG Shu,WU Gang,WANG Huan,et al.An Approach for the Design of Forest Products Ontology[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2010,(07):147-151.
- Title:
- An Approach for the Design of Forest Products Ontology
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2010)07-0147-05
- 分类号:
- S126;TP3
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 针对林产品商务Web信息整合的过程出现的林产品语义冲突、共享困难等问题,从现有的本体相关理论出发,使用本体的形式化定义形式,对林产品的概念进行语义形式化描述,确定林产品本体的六元组。进而建立了林产品的核心本体。并给出该本体的关联可视图。
- Abstract:
- The key problem that affects the multi-source information integration and the difficulty of share caused by semantic inconsistency.From the present theory of semantic Web and Ontology,Formal semantic representation about the concept of forest products is made by using formal definition method of ontology.Then the logic structure of the forest products ontology was proposed according to the properties of forest products.On this basis,the ontology model of forest products was built.Finally,the relevant visible figure of this Ontology was presented.
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