YU Hong-jiu.Study of Controlling Nitrogen Loss fromVolatilization in PoultryComposting Process[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2009,(06):61-62.[doi:10.11942/j.isn1002-2767.2009.06.0061]
- Title:
- Study of Controlling Nitrogen Loss fromVolatilization in PoultryComposting Process
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2009)06-0061-02
- Keywords:
- Key words:compost fermentation; nitrogen loss from volatilization; deodorizing microorganism; compost filler
- 分类号:
- S141.4
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 摘要:氨挥发是堆肥发酵过程中, 臭味产生和氮素损失的主要原因。 以鸡粪为原料进行堆肥发酵, 通过添加除臭菌剂和相关填充物料, 有效控制堆肥发酵过程中氨的挥发, 以减少氮素的损失。 研究结果表明:除臭菌剂和填充物料的加入能有效降低发酵过程中氨的挥发损失, 缩短发酵脱臭的时间。与对照处理相比, 除臭菌剂能够提前10 d 左右消除臭味, 糠醛渣可减少氮素损失达17.6%以上。
- Abstract:
- Abstract:Ammonia volatilization was the main reason of nitrogen loss and stench arising in poultry composting process.Inthis experiment, deodorizing microorganism and compost filler were added in poultry composting process in order to controlnitrogen volatilization, as fowl dung was taken for the raw material.The results were showed that the treatment of additiondeodorizing microorganism and compost filler could effectively reduce nitrogen volatilization efficiency, significantly shortenthe fermentation deodorization time.Compared with the CK treatment, the stench could be eliminated before 10 days byadding deodorizing microorganism, furfural residue could reduce about 17.6% nitrogen loss.
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基金项目:黑龙江省农业科学院青年基金资助项目作者简介:于洪久(1981-), 男,吉林省长岭县人, 学士, 研究实习员,主要从事农业固体废弃物综合利用研究。E-mail:yhj3130618@126.com。