ZHANG Jiang-guo,CAO Jing-sheng,SHI Gui-rong,et al.Study on Responses to Photoperiod and Temperature of Maize Varieties andTheir Parents in Heilongjiang ProvinceⅠResponses to Photoperiod of 12 Maize Varieties and Their Parents[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2009,(02):23-26.
黑龙江省主要玉米品种及其亲本光温反应特性研究Ⅰ12 个玉米品种及其亲本的光反应特性
- Title:
- Study on Responses to Photoperiod and Temperature of Maize Varieties andTheir Parents in Heilongjiang ProvinceⅠResponses to Photoperiod of 12 Maize Varieties and Their Parents
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2009)02-0023-04
- Keywords:
- maize ; variety ; parents ; sensitive on responses to photoperiod
- 分类号:
- S513
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以黑龙江省12 个常用玉米品种及其亲本为试验材料, 研究其光反应特性, 通过对材料的每日阶段遮光处理的结果分析, 缩短光照直接影响玉米品种的生育阶段。其中出苗至抽雄期遮光处理与正常光照的叶龄值差异显著, 可作为衡量光反应特性的指标性状。缩短光照后使大部分玉米杂交种及自交系的花期提前, 其中四早六、龙单21 、绥玉7 号、1134、龙系85、H172、4F1 对光敏感;海玉4 号、四单16、本育9 号、合344、434、706、446 光反应迟钝。遮光处理对品种形态性状株高、穗位高、叶片数及雄穗分枝数都有不同程度的影响。其影响大小程度依次为:穗位高>株高>雄穗分支>叶片数。
- Abstract:
- 12 maize varieties and their parents used in Heilongjiang province were studied to know their characteristics on responsesto photoperiod.The results showed that:reduce the light affected the g rowth of the maize directly .Leaf number wassignificant different between the treatment and CK during the emergence to tasseling stage , it could be used as the index tojudge the responses to pho toperiod of the maize .The flowering stage was advance of most varieties and inbred lines when reducedthe light, which Sizao No .6, Longdan 21, Suiy u No .7, 1134, Longxi 85, H172, 4F1 were sensitive on responses to photoperiod;Haiyu No.4 , Sidan16, Benyu No .9, He 344, 434, 706, 446 were dullness.Shading affected the plant height, earheight , the number of leaf and tassel branch .Effect degree was ear height>plant heig ht >tassel branch >the number of leaf.
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收稿日期:2008-11-03第一作者简介:张建国(1972-), 男, 黑龙江省绥化市人,硕士, 副研究员, 从事玉米遗传育种研究。E-mail:zhangjg 663 @sohu .com 。