GUO Tai,WANG Zhi-xin,WU Xiu-hong,et al.Selecting and Breeding of Soybean Variety Hefeng52 with High-oil ,High-yield and Multi-resistance[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2008,(06):31-33.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.06.0031]
高油高产多抗大豆品种合丰52 的选育
- Title:
- Selecting and Breeding of Soybean Variety Hefeng52 with High-oil ,High-yield and Multi-resistance
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2008)06-0031-03
- Keywords:
- so ybean; H efeng 52 ; hig h-o il ; hig h-y ield and multi-re sista nce ; selecting and breeding
- 分类号:
- S513 .038
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 合丰52 是以美国品种SPRITE87 为母本, 与父本宝丰7 号有性杂交育成, 2007 年由黑龙江省和国家农作物品种审定委员会同时审定推广。该品种高油(23 .24 %)、高产(生产试验产量2 631 .3 kg ·hm-2 , 较对照品种增产14 .5 %)、多抗(抗胞囊线虫病、灰斑病、花叶病毒病SMV1 号株系和疫霉病)、广适应性(适宜黑龙江省、内蒙古自治区、吉林和新疆等四省春播种植), 集多种优良性状于一体, 是全国育成的第一个高油、抗胞囊线虫病品种。
- Abstract:
- The soy bean var iety H efe ng 52 was br ed by sex ual hybridiza tion , its female parent w as american so ybeanvariety SPRIT E87 , and its ma le pa rent w as Baofeng No .7.This variety w as released by H eilongjiang prov ince andState Cro ps Va rietie s Examining and Appro ving Committee in the same time in 2007, it ow ned many goo d characters, such as hig h-o il , high-yield , multi-resistance a nd w ide-adaptability .I t is the first soy bea n variety of high-oiland soy bean cy st nema tode-resistance in china .
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基金项目:国家863 计划项目(2006AA10Z1F1-3);国家863 计划项目(2006AA1021F9 );科技部成果转化基金项目(2006GB2B200076);国家科技支撑计划项目;948 引进项目(2006-G5);农业科技跨越计划项目;黑龙江省育种攻关项目(GA06B102-1);黑龙江省良种化工程项目(2006H T10-0101)