XIE Wen-xiao,LIU Bo,HAN Yong,et al.Effect of Temperature and Light on Yield and Quality of Rice[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2008,(06):26-30.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.06.0026]
- Title:
- Effect of Temperature and Light on Yield and Quality of Rice
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2008)06-0026-05
- Keywords:
- temper ature and illuminatio n fac to rs ; high tempe rature ; y ield; quality ; typical co rre latio n analy sis
- 分类号:
- S511
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 应用典型相关的分析方法, 在大田生产条件下, 通过对水稻不同生育时期的光温因子与产量构成因素及产量性状和品质性状的分析结果, 发现在温光因子中, 移栽期-始穗期日照、始穗期-成熟期积温对水稻的产量性状和品质性状的影响较大;在产量性状中, 每穴穗数和结实率是受环境影响较大的性状;在品质性状中, 蛋白质含量、垩白粒率、长宽比是受环境影响较大的性状。同时, 灌浆结实期高温导致水稻结实率明显下降、千粒重略有提高;蛋白质含量、垩白粒率、长宽比受环境影响最大。
- Abstract:
- Field and g rain house trial w as conducted in the yea r o f 2006 and 2007 , and the effect of temper ature andlight conditio ns at different g row th stage on y ield traits and quality of rice was determined by ty pical co rre latio n analysis.Results show ed tha t the illuminatio n from transplanting to initial heading and the accumulated tempe raturefrom initial heading to maturing had sig nificant effec t on yield and quality traits .The yield tr aits o f paniclespe r hill and percentage of filled g rain, and quality traits o f pro tein co ntent , chalk ra te , g rain leng th to width wereaffected g reatly by environment facto rs .Higher tem per ature at g rain filling resulted in low er per centage of filledg rain and higher 1000-g rain w eig ht .Pro tein content , chalk ra te and g rain leng th to width affected mo stly by environmentfactors.
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