ZHAO Hai-bin,XIAO Zhi-min,et al.Uses and Progress of Studies on Dwarfing-sterile Wheat[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2008,(04):118-120.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.04.0118]
- Title:
- Uses and Progress of Studies on Dwarfing-sterile Wheat
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2008)04-0118-03
- Keywords:
- dwar fing-sterile wheat ; return selection ; g ermpla sm deve lopment ; selectio n and breeding o f the new varieties
- 分类号:
- S512
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 利用连续回交手段将矮败小麦由冬性转育为春性。以春性矮败小麦为优良基因积聚和各类小麦新种质创造高效技术平台, 建立优质、高产、抗赤霉病、抗白粉病和抗穗发芽等5 个轮回选择群体。结合生态育种、小麦×玉米诱导单倍体、HMW-GS 近等基因系品质遗传分析系统, 品质快速分析方法和人工接种鉴定等手段, 筛选、评价和利用各类优异小麦新种质, 并进行优质强筋小麦新品种选育。
- Abstract:
- Dwar fing-sterile wheat w as chang ed fr om w inter ness to spring ness by continue backcr oss.ValuableGenes o f spring ne ss dw arfing-sterile w heat w ere take n as the accumulatio n platfo rm to establish 5 return selectio ncolo ny of hig h quality , high yie ld , anti-FHB , anti- powdery mildew and anti- pre-har vest spro uting resistance .Withthe analy sis sy stem s of w heat cor n induct ha ploid ;H MW-GS near-iso genic lines quality inhe ritance ;the qualityrapid analy sis me tho d and identificatio n of inocula ted disease to select , evaluate and use a ll kinds of the new ge rmplasmresources in e xcellent w heat , and keep on selecting and breeding the hig h quality and g luten wheat .
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第一作者简介:赵海滨(1974-), 男, 黑龙江人, 在读博士, 副研究员, 主要从事春小麦育种研究。T el:0451-86668739 ;E-mai l:hbzhao0617 @163 .com 。