MEI Li-yan,LI Zhi-yong,HUANG Chun-yan.Study on Field Epidemical Dynamics of Maize CurvulariaLeaf Spot(Curvularia lunata)[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2008,(04):50-52.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.04.0050]
- Title:
- Study on Field Epidemical Dynamics of Maize CurvulariaLeaf Spot(Curvularia lunata)
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2008)04-0050-03
- Keywords:
- maize curv ularia leaf spot ; strains ; epidemicdy namics
- 分类号:
- S435 .131
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 通过对玉米弯孢菌叶斑病(Curv ularia lunata(Wak ker)Boed)时间(季节)流行动态和空间流行动态的系统研究, 绘制出时间流行曲线和空间流行曲线。研究结果表明, 相同菌株在不同玉米品种上及不同菌株在相同玉米品种上的致病性和发展速度有差异, 并随着调查时间的延后, 病情指数有增加趋势, 流行曲线经过升高— 平稳的循环过程达到高峰值, 8 月下旬至9 月初各个品种均达到发病高峰。玉米弯孢菌叶斑病以中心传播方式进行传播, 随着距菌源中心距离的增大, 东、西、南、北各个方向的病情指数均有降低趋势。不同发病时期每个距离调查点的不同方向病情指数存在差异, 距菌源中心较远处, 东向比西向发病重, 而发病前期和发病中期南向比北向发病重, 发病后期距菌源中心近处各个方向无差异。
- Abstract:
- The tempora l e pidemic cur ves and space epidemic cur ves o f maize cur vularia leaf spo t(Curv ularia lunata(Wakker)Bo ed)we re prot racted thro ug h sy stemically resea rched the tempo ral(seaso n)epidemic dy namics and thespace epidemic dy namics .The results showed that there we re diffe rence , the same str ain in the differ ent maize varietieso r the different strains in the same maize variety , in the pathog enicity and the disease tempo and there w asincreasing trend of disease index with car ry-forwar d o f investig ating times .The epidemic curves reached pinnaclevalue pass thr ough the cycle cour se of hoist-smo oth and the disea se index of every varieties all r eached pinnacle a tthe time of the last ten-day of August to ea rly September .The spreading mode of maize cur vularia leaf spo t w asce nter spread .The disease index in four direc tions of east , w est, south and no rth all play down w ith the augmentingo f distance from the center of fungus fo untain .There were difference s of disease index in fo ur dir ections ofeast , w est, south and nor th, with the investig ation spo t o f eve ry distance in the diffe rent perio d of disease .The disease w as mo re serious in east than in w est a t the distance far from the cente r of fung us fountain .The disease w asmor e se rious in south tha n in nor th at the pr opha se and metaphase stage of disease , and there wer e no differencesof disease index in ev ery directio n at the distance near by the cente r of fung us fo untain at the anaphase stage .
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