NIE Ming-hua.Characteristics and Improving Measure of Purple Soil———A Case of Purple Soil in Wuyi Mountain[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2008,(03):60-63.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.03.0060]
- Title:
- Characteristics and Improving Measure of Purple Soil———A Case of Purple Soil in Wuyi Mountain
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2008)03-0060-03
- Keywords:
- Purple soil; cha racteristic; impro vement ; Wuyi Mountain
- 分类号:
- S156
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 紫色土是武夷山低丘土壤中的重要土壤类型, 发育深受母岩的影响。通过典型采样和室内理化分析, 收集野外实地考察的资料和室内实验分析的数据, 对武夷山紫色土成土过程以及10 项理化指标(pH 、有机质含量、机械组成等)进行分析, 得出母岩是紫色土发育过程中的决定性因素。针对目前紫色土存在的如地表破碎化、土壤薄层化等问题, 提出了若干有效的治理措施。
- Abstract:
- The Purple so il is an impo rtant soil type on hills o f Wuy i Mo untain, its development deeply depend o ngeo log ical element and parent ro ck .Ty pical sample s of Purple so il w ere taken and used fo r phy sic-chemical analysis.Th rough collecting autoptical info rmation o f fie ld and ex perimenta l data in lab , analy zed the Purple soil as we llas the ten chemical inde x (pH , the content of soil o rganic matter , the soil tex ture , e tc).Reaching the re sults tha tpa rent ro ck w as the deciding facto r o f the fo rming of the Purple soil.Aiming at the pro blems the fragmenta tion inthe ea rth’s surface and lamina in the soil e tc fo r ex ample , some effective measures we re put fo rw ard .
[ 1] 邓白罗.紫色土的特性、改良措施及经济林栽培技术[ J] .经济林研究, 2004 , 22(4):23-27 .
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基金项目:福建师范大学福建省大学生创新性实验计划资助项目(Fjnu2007-004 );福建师范大学本科生课外科技计划(BK L2007003)