LIU Jing,XIAO Na.Survey on the Phytoplankton Community in Qufu Urban Rivers and Lakes[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2007,(06):96-97.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2007.06.0096]
- Title:
- Survey on the Phytoplankton Community in Qufu Urban Rivers and Lakes
- 文章编号:
- 1002 -2767(2007)06-0096-02
- Keywords:
- Qufu Urban Rive rs and Lakes ; phy to plankton ; investig atio n
- 分类号:
- Q948.15
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 2007 年3 月对曲阜城市河湖7 处水体浮游植物群落调查结果显示:浮游植物有7 门, 42 属, 74 种。其中绿藻门最多, 19 属32 种;其次是硅藻门, 10 属18 种。7 处水体平均细胞密度为24.57 ×104 个· L-1 , 小沂河7 浮游植物细胞密度最大, 为129.38 ×104个· L-1 ;其次是泗河1 , 为14.71×104 个 · L-1 ;大沂河4 的浮游植物细胞密度最低, 仅为2.27 ×104个· L-1 。观察到的优势种群有石生蓝纤维藻(Dacty lo co cco psis r upestris)、小球藻(C.vulgaris)、钝脆杆藻(F.capucina)。浮游植物优势种群指示作用显示小沂河7 水质较差。
- Abstract:
- The phy toplankto n composition and distributio n w ere inve stigated in Qufu Urban River s and Lakes in M arch in 2007.The results indicated that the re w ere 7 phy lums , 42 g enuses , 74 species.The reinto , Chlor ophy ta phylums w as the mo st including 19 g enuses , 32 species , the second w as Bacilla rio phy ta phy lums including 10 genuses , 18 species. The ave rage cell density o f the seven rive rs wa s 24.57×104 个· L-1. The cell density in Xiaoy i River w as the big gest , which was 129.38 ×104个 · L-1.The smallest was Dayi Riv er , only , w hich w as 2.27 ×104 个· L-1.The predominant species of Phy toplankton were Dacty lo cocco psis rupestris , C.v ulga ris and F.capucina , w hich indicated that the wa te r quality in Xiaoyi Riv er w as the w o rst of all.
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收稿日期:2007 -06 -28
第一作者简介:刘静(1979 -), 女, 山东枣庄人, 硕士, 从事藻类生态学研究。E -mail:liu jing9712 @163 .com 。