MIN Fan-xiang,HU Lin-shuang,WANG Xiao-dan,et al.Comparison Study of the ELISA Kit Made in China and USA for Detecting Potato Ring Rot[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2007,(05):57-59.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2007.05.0057]
- Title:
- Comparison Study of the ELISA Kit Made in China and USA for Detecting Potato Ring Rot
- 文章编号:
- 1002 - 2767(2007)05 - 0057 - 03
- 关键词:
- 马铃薯环腐病; NCM - ELISA ; DAS - ELISA
- Keywords:
- Patato Ring Rot ; NCM - ELISA technique ; DAS - ELISA technique
- 分类号:
- S435. 32
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 采用自制NCM - ELISA 试剂盒和进口DAS - ELISA 试剂盒进行马铃薯环腐病检测试验。比较发现:强化后的自制NCM - ELISA 试剂盒不仅同进口DAS - ELISA 试剂盒一样灵敏, 而且价格低廉, 且简便、快捷。自制NCM - ELISA 试剂盒可以将点样后的硝酸纤维素膜存储数周, 然后再继续实验, 具有便于携带利于推广的优点。而且自制NCM - ELISA 试剂盒在检测前, 进行富集培养, 与进口DAS - ELISA 试剂盒相比将灵敏度提高100 万倍, 并且避免假阳性反应发生。因此NCM - ELISA 试剂盒完全可以取代进口DAS - ELISA 试剂盒。
- Abstract:
- Applying NCM ELISA Kit and DAS ELISA Kit to Detect Potato Ring Rot w as com par ed. The results showed that the intensifying NCM ELISA wa s as sensitive a s the DAS ELISA , but also cheap , inco nv enient and r apid. I t had ano ther im po rtant adva ntag e , that w as , the nitrocellulo se membr ane with the sample s could be sto red for several w eeks befo re continuing with the test. The membr ane could also be sent to ano ther labo rato ry that co uld perfo rm the assay , and it w as easier and quicker befo re pe rfo rming the NCM ELIS A, an enrichment procedure must be car ried o ut by incubating the tube r ex trac ts in a semi-selective bro th (modified SM SA). This me tho d increased the sensitivity by almo st 1 million hig her tha n DAS ELISA Kit , and avo ided artificial positive reactio n. Therefo re , NCM ELISA Kit could re place DAS ELISA Kit.
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收稿日期:2007 - 06 - 20
基金项目:黑龙江省自然科学基金项目(2004C 0307)
第一作者简介:闵凡祥(1980 —), 男, 黑龙江嫩江县人, 学士, 研实, 主要从事马铃薯真细菌病害研究。E - mail:minfanxiang. m a @yah oo. com. cn 。