YANG Fan.Research of Sulphur Form and Sulphur Available Index in Protecting Field[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2007,(05):53-54.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2007.05.0053]
- Title:
- Research of Sulphur Form and Sulphur Available Index in Protecting Field
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2007)05 -0053 -02
- Keywords:
- sulphur ; protecting field ; black soil
- 分类号:
- S158 .3
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 土壤是作物硫营养的基本来源, 作为高肥力、高产出、复种指数高的保护地, 由于多年的过度种植和连作, 其肥力发生急剧变化。硫是作物必需的中量元素, 本试验从对保护地土壤硫质量分数的测定入手, 对土壤有效硫质量分数进行SAI 值分级。研究表明:保护地黑土土壤中全硫质量分数为 202.4~ 597.0 mg · kg -1 , 有效硫的质量分数较低, 为6 .0 ~ 30.0 mg · kg -1 , 平均只有14.1 mg · kg -1 。保护地黑土缺硫土壤和需硫土壤基本各占一半, 所以在种植时应注意施用硫肥。
- Abstract:
- The soil is basic so urce of sulphur no urishment fo r the cro p.Because of the excessive planting and continuous c ropping , the fer tility of soil has chang ed stro ng ly .The determination o f surphur content in the soil w as co nduc ted and then classified acco rding to sulphur av ailable inde x(SAI).The results showed that the full sulphur content in the black soil was 202.4~ 597 .0 mg · kg -1 and sulphur available content was 6.0~ 30.0 mg · kg -1 , the averag e w as 14.1 mg · kg -1 .In the pro tecting field , the soil lacking o f surphur and needing surphur accounted fo r 50 %, respectively , therefo re , surphur fertilizer should be paid at tentio n to .
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收稿日期:2007 -05 -15
作者简介:杨帆(1981 -), 男, 黑龙江省方正县人, 研究实习员, 从事农学研究和科技外事工作。E -mai l:duiez hongxin @126 .com 。