ZHANG Yan-hong.Effect of Non-tillage on Soil Water[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2007,(02):21-23.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2007.02.0021]
- Title:
- Effect of Non-tillage on Soil Water
- 文章编号:
- 1002 - 2767(2007)02 - 0021 - 03
- Keywords:
- no n-tillage ; flat ten culture ; ridge tillage ; soil wa te r
- 分类号:
- S345
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 针对黑龙江省作物生长季节经常出现干旱的问题, 研究了免耕不同耕作方式对玉米土壤水分的影响, 为黑龙江省采用免耕耕作方式提供了理论依据, 为旱作条件下发展免耕技术奠定基础。结果表明:秸秆覆盖在整个玉米生长发育过程中耕层土壤含水量比传统耕作提高0. 58% ~ 4. 76%, 平作土壤含水量高于垄作。覆盖处理(包括WN 和N TS)能够有效抑制土壤水分的蒸发, 提高土壤蓄水能力;在0 ~ 20 cm 土层内覆盖处理的土壤含水量均高于无秸秆处理。
- Abstract:
- Effect of different tillag e patterns o n so il w ater was studied conside ring the dro ug ht during g row th stage in Heilong jiang. I t pro vided the basis fo r developing the techno lo gy o f non - tillag e under the co ndition o f Heilongjiang prov ince. The re sults showed :During the whole maize dev elopment , the soil wa te r content in plo ug h laye r by cove r residue increa sed by 0. 58%~ 4. 76% compared to conventional tillage. Soil wa te r content by flatten culture was higher tha n by ridg e cultur e. Co vering treatments (including WN and NTS) could effectiv ely restrain so il w ater tr anspira tion a nd increa se so il w ate r ca pacity . In 0~ 20 cm layer the soil wa te r co ntent by CS and cove ring trea tme nts , we re bo th higher than by no n - re sidue treatment.
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收稿日期:2006 - 10 - 23
作者简介:张艳红(1967 -), 女,黑龙江省宁安市人, 硕士研究生, 副教授, 从事农作物栽培与耕作教学工作。E - mail:zyhsq691 @163. com 。