[1]刘春宝,王 枫,黄开杰.基于GPS 土壤水肥检测系统的探讨[J].黑龙江农业科学,2007,(01):30-33.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2007.01.0030]
LIU Chun-bao,WANG Feng,HUANG Kai-jie.Discussion on Moister and Fertilizer Detecting System of Soil with GPS[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2007,(01):30-33.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2007.01.0030]
LIU Chun-bao,WANG Feng,HUANG Kai-jie.Discussion on Moister and Fertilizer Detecting System of Soil with GPS[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2007,(01):30-33.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2007.01.0030]
基于GPS 土壤水肥检测系统的探讨
- Title:
- Discussion on Moister and Fertilizer Detecting System of Soil with GPS
- 文章编号:
- 1002 - 2767(2007)01 - 0030 - 04
- Keywords:
- GPS ; precisio n ag riculture ; de tecting moister and fer tilize r ; BP ar tificial neural netwo rk ; se nso r
- 分类号:
- S157. 1
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 精确农业是利用重要的作物参数和农业知识专家库来优化生产系统管理, 基于GPS 土壤检测系统是精确农业的一个重要组成部分, 通过它来检测确定地段的土壤水肥信息, 根据检测结果来控制不同的投入水平。检测系统的信号检测是由检测传感器、参考传感器、阻容脉冲转换电路、单片机、 RS485 通讯模块、GSM 模块、数字温度传感器、工业控制计算机等单元组成。检测电容与参考电容分别产生脉冲信号, 脉冲数与电容的容值负相关, 在一定时间内两脉冲序列的脉冲之差与待测土壤的水肥也负相关。单片机通过计数器检测在一定时间内的脉冲数差, 将此数连同数字温度传感器产生的温度测量值通过GSM 模块发给上位机。上位机对数值进行归一化处理后, 采用BP 神经网络进行非线性校正和温度补偿, 产生土壤水肥测量值。
- Abstract:
- The impo rtant cr op parameter s and agricultural know ledg e pr ofessional wa rehouse wer e made use of to optimize the pro duction sy stem manag ement. The mo ister and fe rtilizer detecting sy stem of soil with GPS is an impo rtant pa rt of precision agriculture. We can co llect soil information thr ough it and fe rtilize accor ding to the diffe rent soil. The circuit co nsists of measure sensor to p, reference capacito r , resistance and capacito r impulse transfer circuit , SCM , RS485 communica tion mo dule , GSM model, digital temperature senso r , industry contro lling computer , etc. Both measuring capacitance and refe rence capacitance broug ht impulse sig nal. The number o f impulse sig nal wa s co rr elated neg atively to ca pacitance. The differe nce o f the number of impulse of the two impulse sequences w as cor related neg atively to moiste r a nd fer tilize r o f so il that will be measured either. The SCM detected the differences of impulses in a certain time through co unter . The number and the v alue that the digital tempe rature se nso r brough t w ere sent to upper computer through GSM model. Af te r upper computer dealing w ith the data BP nerv e netw or k w as used to process nonlinea r emendatio n and tempera tur e compe nsate and then the measuring values of moister and fer tilize r of soil came into being .
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[ 2] 潘磊, 郑兰英, 张凤芝, 等. GPS 技术在森林生态系统管理中的应用展望[ J] . 防护林科技, 2006 ,(1):41-44.
[ 3] 汪晓东, 万旭, 赵鹏程,等. 基于神经网络的传感器静态误差综合修正[ J] . 仪器仪表学报, 1997 , 18(3):310-313.
[ 4] 杨建华, 侯宏, 孙进才, 等基于. BP 网络的弱信号提取方法研究[ J] . 数据采集与处理, 1997 , 12(3):163-166.
收稿日期:2006 - 12 - 04
第一作者简介:刘春宝(1968 - ), 男, 长春市人, 硕士, 从事通信及自动化控制研究。E - mail :cbliu @jlu. edu . cn 。
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