JING Shang-you,LI Gui-qin,WANG Lian-rong,et al.Study on Breeding of Double-low Hybrid Kenyou 3 in springBrassica napus L.[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2000,(05):29-30.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2000.05.0029]
- Title:
- Study on Breeding of Double-low Hybrid Kenyou 3 in springBrassica napus L.
- 文章编号:
- 1002- 2767( 2000) 05- 0029- 02
- 分类号:
- S634. 303. 51
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 垦油3号是利用细胞质雄性不育技术育成的甘蓝型双低春油菜三系杂交种。主要优点为高产、优质、抗逆性较强。1995~ 1998年产量鉴定及区域试验平均单产2 133. 6kg /hm2 ,比对照品种垦油1号增产16. 5% ,居参试品种第一位, 1999年参加省生产示范试验比垦油1号增产21. 2%。较抗菌核病和其它病害,芥酸含量0. 88% ,硫甙含量24. 8μmol /g ,粗脂肪含量43% 以上。
- Abstract:
- Kenyou No. 3( CMS040A× R32) was a th ree-line hybrid w hich bred wi th cytoplasmic male steri le. Keny ou No. 3 w as vigo rous in hetero si s high yei ld, hig h quali ty , tolerance to Scleroinia sclerol iorum wi th 0. 88% of erucic acid in i t s oi l, 24. 8μmol /g of g lucosinola te content in i t s meal, abov e 43% of oi l co ntent. It wa s tested in Hei longjiang provincial district test in 1995 ~ 1998. The av erag e yeild w as 2133. 6kg /hm2。It wa s 16. 5% higher than check hybrid Keny ou No. 1. It w as the fi rst in all tested hy brids. It w as tested in Heilong jiang provincial productiv e demanst ratio n in 1999. The yeild w as 21. 2% hig her tha n check hybrid Kenyo u No. 1.
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收稿日期: 2000- 06- 05
基金项目: 黑龙江省、农垦总局“九五”科技攻关项目。
作者简介: 景尚友( 1964- ) ,男,学士,副研究员, 从事油菜育种研究。